1. Introduction
This section is non-normative.
Writing cross-browser tests for the Web Bluetooth API is difficult because it interacts with devices that live outside the browser. This document describes APIs that aid in this testing, and can be implemented by each browser to either mock out the external interaction, or to configure an external test device to behave as the test needs.
Tests using these functions are currently in web-platform-tests and in Chromium’s repository.
2. Security considerations
See § 3 Privacy considerations section. [Issue #575]
3. Privacy considerations
These functions MUST NOT be exposed to web content. Only trusted testing code may access them.
4. Testing interfaces
partial interface Window {readonly attribute TestRunner ;
testRunner readonly attribute EventSender ; };
5. testRunner
callback =
BluetoothManualChooserEventsCallback undefined (sequence <DOMString >); [
events Exposed =Window ,SecureContext ]interface {
TestRunner undefined setBluetoothMockDataSet (DOMString );
dataSetName undefined setBluetoothManualChooser ();undefined getBluetoothManualChooserEvents (BluetoothManualChooserEventsCallback );
callback undefined sendBluetoothManualChooserEvent (DOMString ,
event DOMString ); };
5.1. setBluetoothMockDataSet
When invoked, setBluetoothMockDataSet(dataSetName)
MUST replace the
user prompt used in requestDevice()
with one that resolves the
promise with the first discovered device, or rejects the promise if discovery
can’t start or times out. Then it must configure the UA’s Bluetooth system to
respond depending on the dataSetName
The UA has no Bluetooth implementation at all.
The UA’s Bluetooth radio is disabled.
The UA may fail the test unless the test asks the adapter to start a Bluetooth scan filtered to the
, andorg.bluetooth.service.battery_service
Service UUIDs. The adapter discovers a BatteryDevice. "EmptyAdapter"
No devices are nearby.
The UA fails to start a scan for devices.
Behaves like a GenericAccessAdapter, but the UA fails to stop the scan for devices.
The UA discovers a HeartRateDevice and a GlucoseDevice.
In the first discovery session, the UA finds no devices. In the second, it discovers a HeartRateDevice.
The UA discovers a MissingServiceGenericAccessDevice.
The UA discovers a MissingCharacteristicGenericAccessDevice.
The UA discovers a MissingDescriptorGenericAccessDevice.
The UA discovers a GenericAccessDevice.
The UA discovers a FailingGATTOperationsDevice.
5.1.1. BatteryDevice
Has a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:01
, the name "Battery Device"
, and
advertises org.bluetooth.service.battery_service
5.1.2. GlucoseDevice
Has a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:02
, the name "Glucose Device"
, and
advertises org.bluetooth.service.glucose
5.1.3. HeartRateDevice
Has a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:03
, the name "Heart Rate Device"
, and
advertises org.bluetooth.service.heart_rate
5.1.4. MissingServiceGenericAccessDevice
Has a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00
, the name "Generic Access
, and accepts GATT connections. Its GATT Server is empty.
5.1.5. MissingCharacteristicGenericAccessDevice
In addition to the properties of a MissingServiceGenericAccessDevice, its
GATT Server contains a primary org.bluetooth.service.generic_access
This service contains no characteristics.
5.1.6. MissingDescriptorGenericAccessDevice
In addition to the properties of a MissingCharacteristicGenericAccessDevice, its org.bluetooth.service.generic_access
service contains the org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name
characteristic. This
characteristic returns "GenericAccessDevice"
when read, and
responds that writes have succeeded (without changing the value read).
5.1.7. GenericAccessDevice
In addition to the properties of a MissingDescriptorGenericAccessDevice, its org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.device_name
characteristic contains the following descriptors:
Has the Writable Auxiliaries bit set.
"Device Name"
when read, and responds that writes have succeeded (without changing the value read).
5.1.8. FailingGATTOperationsDevice
Let errorUUID(unsigned long id)
be the valid UUID consisting of id.toString(16)
left-padded with "0"
s to 8 characters, and then concatenated with "-97e5-4cd7-b9f1-f5a427670c59"
. (These lower 96 bits were generated
as a type 4 (random) UUID.)
The FailingGATTOperationsDevice has a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00
, the name "Errors Device"
, and
accepts GATT connections. Its GATT Server contains one service with UUID errorUUID(0x100)
. This service contains 255 characteristics
with UUIDs errorUUID(0x101)
through errorUUID(0x1ff)
. When read or written, the characteristic with
UUID errorUUID(which)
returns an Error Response
([BLUETOOTH42] 3.F. with an error code of which - 0x100
5.2. setBluetoothManualChooser()
When invoked, setBluetoothManualChooser()
MUST replace the user
prompt used in requestDevice()
with a "manual chooser"
that records events that would otherwise be shown to the user (see getBluetoothManualChooserEvents()
), and which can simulate user
interaction with the prompt (see sendBluetoothManualChooserEvent()
5.3. getBluetoothManualChooserEvents(callback)
When invoked, getBluetoothManualChooserEvents(callback)
MUST call callback
with the
list of events that have been recorded by the manual chooser since getBluetoothManualChooserEvents()
was last called. Each event is
encoded as string, as follows:
- The chooser is opened following a request by origin O.
- The Bluetooth adapter is removed from the UA.
- The Bluetooth adapter becomes present but disabled.
- The Bluetooth adapter becomes present and enabled.
- The Bluetooth adapter begins scanning for nearby devices.
- The Bluetooth adapter stops scanning for nearby devices.
- The Bluetooth adapter attempts to begin scanning for nearby devices, but fails.
- A device is added to the user prompt with
device-id andname
device-name. -
Note: The device-id might not be the device’s MAC address. For example, MacOS and iOS generate a random ID when testing against physical devices.
- The UA discovers that a device with
device-id is no longer nearby. -
5.4. sendBluetoothManualChooserEvent(event, argument)
When invoked, sendBluetoothManualChooserEvent(event, argument)
MUST cause the manual chooser to inform the UA that the user has taken an
action corresponding to the event
The user cancelled the prompt.
The user requested another bluetooth scan.
6. eventSender
[Exposed =Window ,SecureContext ]interface {
EventSender undefined keyDown (DOMString ); };
must fire an event named keypress
to the body element, with its key
attribute initialized to code